Category Archives: product review

Reese’s Dessert Bar Mix – Stick with the Cups

Reese's no bake mix, box
Reese’s no bake mix box. I didn’t notice the print under the “no bake” words . . . my bad.

My husband LOVES Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, as do many others, apparently, since they are number two in overall candy sales in the US.   So when I saw Reese’s Dessert Bar (no bake) Mix on an end cap in Target recently, I decided to try it.  My husband was quite excited about it too, but after having made the mix, and after all of us have tasted these bars, two out of three of us agree that Reese’s Peanut Butter cups are simply better (in more ways than one).  More on that later.


But what of the value?  The mix I bought is made in a very small card-stock “pan” that is provided in the box (see the above photo).  I didn’t realize this when I bought it, simply thinking that–like all other box mixes I’ve experienced–it was to be made in an 8″x8″ pan.*

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